I’ve rounded up some fascinating history and fun trivia facts about Christmas to share with family and friends during your holiday get togethers. Enjoy, and Happy Holidays!
1.Scientists have calculated that for Santa to deliver presents to every home in the world he would have to travel at a speed of 4,921,200 miles per hour! There are a number of factors that are involved in this calculation. However, all factors taken into account, this would mean that Santa would stop at each household for only 300 microseconds!
2. The world’s first Christmas card was commissioned by Sir Henry Cole in 1843, was a hand-colored card that depicted a family drinking wine, sold in 2015 for $10,513.84.
3. Santa Claus has worn many different colors through the years including blue, green, white, and red. The red suit he is widely known for wearing today came from a Coca- Cola advertising campaign from the early 1930’s.
4. In the US there are 3 billion Christmas cards sold annually.
5. During the holidays there are approximately 28 sets of LEGOs sold per second.
6. The first known Christmas tree in the White House was in 1889 during the Benjamin Harrison administration and was decorated with candles for his grandchildren.
7. The average real Christmas tree will grow for 7 years before it is sold.
8. During World War II, the United States Playing Card Company joined forces with British and American intelligence agencies to create a very special deck of playing cards. They distributed them as Christmas gifts to soldiers, but they also helped Allied prisoners of war escape from German POW camps. When wet individual cards peeled apart to reveal maps of escape routes.
9. Tinsel was invented in 1610 in Germany. It was spun from real silver then hammered out and was more of a luxury decoration than the cheap tree trimming it is today.
10. The Grinch is the highest grossing Christmas film of all time. The 2018 computer-animated film brought in $512,858,819 worldwide. The runner up, is Home Alone the Christmas classic from 1990.